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F-4 Phantom
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Posted 3/19/2025 18:38 (#11154132 - in reply to #11153983)
Subject: RE: F-4 Phantom

Cliff SEIA - 3/19/2025 17:11

I heard an interview with one of the U.S. pilots that flew a Mig in training and he said they had to re-engineer a lot of components to get them reliable enough to use.

My uncle crashed that 21. Right landing gear wouldnt go down.

He flew this 29, 2.2 Mach, said it was the fastest he ever flew.

His name is on this 16 as you enter Nellis.

You would enjoy the petting zoo.

(IMG_9803 (full).jpeg)

(IMG_9776 (full).jpeg)

Attachments IMG_9803 (full).jpeg (174KB - 6 downloads)
Attachments IMG_9776 (full).jpeg (177KB - 5 downloads)
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