| i was in the AF during Viet Nam, spent 14 months in Thailand in the munition maintenance squadron loading AIM-4, AIM-7 missiles, rockets, general purpose bombs anywhere from 250# to 3000#, cluster bombs with either radar jamming chaff, flechette's (looked like 6d nails) or with baseball sized individual bombs. the flechette's went off either 3' or 6' off the ground and would clear an area the size of a football field thus earning the nickname "daisy cutter". the general purpose could equipped with a laser guidance unit that was accurate within 3'.
this was on F-4D,F4E, and RF-4C (Reconocence version) and then there was the LORAN version (LOng RAnge Navigation) that flew overhead when dropping laser guided bombs to send down the laser signal for the bomb to follow.
the F4-E had the 20mm M61-A nose gun, 650 rounds, could also equipped with 2 wing guns and a centerline gun, these held 2000 rounds apiece. the rounds could be Armour piercing, white phosphorous, tracers, and a couple others cant recall. if you saw on the news nighttime firing of those guns there was 100 rounds between the tracers, at 6000 rounds a minute that had to be almost a solid stream of ammo.
cant forget the nerve gases or napalm that was loaded too | |