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Password Revisited - DKO?
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Posted 3/19/2025 17:21 (#11154002 - in reply to #11153831)
Subject: RE: Password Revisited - DKO?

Each one of m;y passwords are 19-20 characters long which are uniquiqly generated. I then add an extra character to some. This has been several years ago that I found out that the character set unique characters was different when inputted on my phone vs on my keyboard. So I went to longer passwords. The sites that require unique characters like /*= I do the password and then add somewhere those characters. I do that because sometimes I get password that have almost no alphabet/number passwords.

Another thing I do is to make my name/email as a 6-8 letter password. If someone hacks the bank or what ever then each name does not link back to me, easily. More and more banks and companies are letting you do this without using your name or email address.

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