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The Arizona Commemorative Air Force Museum-Mesa
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Posted 3/19/2025 16:52 (#11153955)
Subject: The Arizona Commemorative Air Force Museum-Mesa

West Central Iowa
It seems that a lot of AgTalkers find their way to the Phoenix/Mesa area for some warmer weather every winter and this Museum is definitely worth the $15.00 (senior) and at least a half of days time. We had a group of 6 (2 ladies) and everyone of them enjoyed it a lot. We spent a bunch of time talking to the volunteer docents and they were very interesting and knowledgeable. One gentleman was a retired pilot with fighter experience and he was great to listen to.

Some of the planes they have on display.

1912-1939 World War I and the New Frontier
Fokker Dr.1 Triplane
Fokker E. VD. VIII “Flying Razor”
Lee-Wray Nieuport 17
Nieuport 28 Replica
Royal Aircraft Factory S.E. 5A – Hanging
SPAD S.XIII – Hanging
TWA Ford Tri-motor Passenger model (“The Tin Goose”) – hanging model (Mechanics Hangar)

1940-1945 World War II and the Battle for the Skies
Beechcraft C-45 Expeditor – STATUS: FLYING Rides Available
Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress “Sentimental Journey” – STATUS: FLYING. Rides Available – Less than 7 still flying in the world
Boeing B-17G Specifications and Crew positions, plus hanging airplane model (Mechanics Hangar)
Boeing Stearman Kaydet N2S (PT-17) – STATUS: FLYING Rides Available
Consolidated B-24 Model 1/6th scale – Hanging
Curtiss P-40 Warhawk -Hanging
Douglas C-47 Skytrain Dakota “Old Number 30” – STATUS: FLYING Rides Available
Douglas A/B-26C Invader **Also operated in Korean and Vietnam wars
General Motors FG Super Corsair – Model
North American B-25J Mitchell “Maid in the Shade” – STATUS: FLYING Rides Available
North American SNJ/T-6 Texan– STATUS: FLYING Rides Available
North American B-25J Nose Art and Specifications (Mechanics Hangar)
North American SNJ Texan – Child’s size (If your feet can pedal it, you make it move!)
North American SNJ Texan – Model
Radioplane/Frankfort OQ-3 – Hanging
Republic P-47 Thunderbolt – Hanging
Schweizer TG-3A – Hanging

1946-1949 Pushing the Envelope
Grumman AF-2S Guardian

1950-1953 The Korean War
Aeronca L-16 Grasshopper
Douglas A/B-26C Invader **Also operated in WWII and Vietnam war
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis Fagot
Sikorshy H19/S55 Chickasaw Helicopter

1954 – 1964 Chasing the Ultimate Horizon
No aircraft
1965-1973 The War in Vietnam
Douglas A/B-26C Invader **Also operated in WWII and Korean war
McDonnell F-4N Phantom II
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 P
We also have a Link Trainer machine used to train pilots!

There is also a working hangar/shop where they were working on several aircraft.

You can also purchase rides in some of the planes. Some of the planes available for rides are: A B-17 G Flying Fortress, A B-2 5J Mitchell, C47 Skytrain, N2S-3 Stearman, SNJ/T-6 Texan, C-45 Expeditor.

Here is a link to the "fly with us" page. I am sure not all planes are available for rides at all times, so you need to check beforehand if you are looking for a ride in a particular plane.

This is all located at Falcon Field which has a very interesting history too.
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