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Password Revisited - DKO?
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Posted 3/19/2025 15:07 (#11153831)
Subject: Password Revisited - DKO?

So, DKO, a little while back - in the post "Hacked Account" - you suggested evaluated password strength using This afternoon, I decided to sit down and look at my passwords, evaluate them using Bitwarden.  I then decided to create a list of potential passwords, and see how they fare in Bitwarden.   Some of the passwords are saying ... 12 days to crack.... 4 months to crack.... 3 years to crack..... etc.... you get the point.

My question: what would be you say is the minimal "days to crack" level?  Is 12 days enough? Should it be measured in months?  or minimal of a year?   Your thoughts or suggestion?

I presume that an account where I have financial information that I should have a more difficult password to crack?  Or would you not make that distinguish?


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