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How Many Deer Accidents Have You Been Involved In?
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Posted 3/19/2025 14:26 (#11153788 - in reply to #11153761)
Subject: RE: How Many Deer Accidents Have You Been Involved In?

coast of Maine
A few,aim for them and punch the throttle works quite well.,,scares my wife but head for the first inline.You will miss him and the next one.I did almost buy the farm from a snowmobile collision at 60 mph with a buck.It landed on my arms/windshield/swept me off like swatting a fly,slid for maybe 200 ft on icy trail,me /the buck/me the buck/..I knew I was paralyzed (wasnt) but the deer ran up trail and croaked.I still have pains in one wrist.maybe 20 years ago.Was 30 miles from a phone,,no one to call any how.BIL loaded me back on ,drove to a cabin with one hand.Beat up like mad.Never road near that area again,,stupid to feed deer and have a sled trail.They have collided with my bullets many times since,,I do not eat them anymore either.
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