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How Many Deer Accidents Have You Been Involved In?
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Posted 3/19/2025 14:11 (#11153762 - in reply to #11153732)
Subject: RE: How Many Deer Accidents Have You Been Involved In?

Western Oregon
Lots of deer here, lots of roads with woods on both sides. Lots of farm fields with deer in them. Can't say I have ever had a close call. No family members have hit a deer. I see 10-15 every time I go the 7 miles to town. See a lot cross the road in front of me, far enough away to slow down to acrawl if need be. I see 10-20 every day around my 1 acre homestead. I have never driven a lot or a lot of miles except when we were in the motorhome for 6 years. I seldom drive over 50 as a lot of the roads here are narrow and have lots of curves....James
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