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How Many Deer Accidents Have You Been Involved In?
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Posted 3/19/2025 12:48 (#11153641)
Subject: How Many Deer Accidents Have You Been Involved In?

In the past 30 years its been 7 accidents for me...I have hit 4 of them and the other 3 ran in to the side of my vehicle..3 of them have happened in the past 5 years..The deer just keep getting thicker and thicker..I have had about 6-8 near misses and I just about nailed one 3 miles from home on Monday night....It's gotten to the point where I almost want to quit driving after dark...I havent had a single deer wreck during the day..

The damages have been one older vehicle totaled for 6K as it was 6,500 to fix it..The other 6 were fixed at a cost of about 15K...In the past 10 years 2 people I knew have died from deer wrecks..I know of one man that hit 12 deer and totaled 3 vehicles..He worked a night job for years.
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