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Credit Card surcharges
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Posted 3/19/2025 08:34 (#11153222 - in reply to #11153024)
Subject: RE: Credit Card surcharges

coast of Maine
Your total cost with a plastic purchase is near 6% in some businesses .The slight increase of gross sales does not equate into any profit larger than the standard 2 % in many retail grocery biz.It is simple math.Biz pays a huge amount of money to CC banks.Just think if a grocery does $1,ooo,ooo a week.60 ,000$ goes to the CC co.Then that CC co charges you 20 % interest (from the CC holder) all these transactions from CC co.'s is cleaning near 25 % in some cases of the total dollar flow...with just digits for expenses.And then the plan is for all cash/checks to be gone,,,,hmmm I wonder whom wants this to happen....
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