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Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?
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Posted 3/18/2025 21:41 (#11152801 - in reply to #11152092)
Subject: RE: Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?

Southern Indiana
I would not say my mom and dad were cheap, they went through the depression and hated to spend money. There were 4 grocery stores in town and she would go to each one cause she knew who had the best price on everything. And unless you needed a part to get back in the field,you never made a "special trip" for something. You waited until you could accomplish 4 or 5 things on one trip. Had no idea you could buy new tools. Thought what you had was what you had and that was it. Had 3 big gardens, and of course our own meat and milk. I hate to waste anything and find it very hard to discard anything I may possibly have a use for someday. However I am not a gardener, and probably have more tools than I really need.
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