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Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?
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AR Plowboy
Posted 3/18/2025 20:01 (#11152663 - in reply to #11152412)
Subject: RE: Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?

East Central Arkansas
Sounds good to me. A couple of gallon jugs of water frozen will keep stuff in a cooler cold for a while. A gallon of ice tea and half a gallon of orange juice. Turkey, sliced cheese, bread, crackers, canned fruit and pudding cups. Maybe even a can of sardines. Always carry some spoons in the vehicle so if I want a treat I can stop at a grocery store and get a pint of ice cream. More satisfied than eating at most restaurants. I forgot peanut butter crackers and oatmeal cookies. Always have my gallon water keg.
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