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Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?
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Posted 3/18/2025 19:35 (#11152632 - in reply to #11152568)
Subject: RE: Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?

Western Oregon
All I ever got from Dad was a spoke shave with a broken handle when he was 90, when Mom told him I was peeling posts for my cabin. He had Mom bring him over with the spoke shave. I did learn to work from him. Dad never told us to go do something, it was always, "lets go get it done" and we all worked together. Every Saturday was manure management, load spoiled bedding in front and rear of spreader with a fork, scoop shovel to fill the middle with the slop. I did get $7,500 each for younger brother and I when they wanted a loan from FHA in 1976. FHA said we had to sign off for the partnership we entered into at 8, when Dad retired, for them to get the loan. I had left in 1972 and brother left when he graduated high school in '76 and went to Auctioneer school in Montana. I was farming 1200 acres then and owned the 700 acre river ranch.

I owned 1700 acres, farmed 1600 of wheat and peppermint and 200 of Christmas trees by the time I was 30, after starting on my own at 12. Had polio relapse at 37, in 1992. Mom and Dad had to sell out when he was 80, in 1980 after breaking his neck, breaking a horse. The old grey nag broke him. At the time he was in partnership with older brother. Older brother was his favorite, he never learned to work. He would rather go to town and buy parts and tools. Dad did more of the fall field work and planting than older brother did. Brother went back to Ohio where his wife came from all winter. Crops needed fertilizer and sprayed. Mom said they were selling the farm, rented crops to another farmer for half the crop and the leases. They ended up with the money from the 97 acres they owned. Brother took all the tools and his toys. Mom and Dad pretty well sold the machinery left, to pay off the loans. I did get them into a new FHA house, payed for in town, and payments to live on....James
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