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Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?
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Posted 3/18/2025 18:17 (#11152556 - in reply to #11152002)
Subject: RE: Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?

Western Oregon
We never had zip lock bags but Mom would get 'lunch" when we did our yearly trip to the beach. Wonder white bread, pre-sliced bologna, 2 bag box of BBQ chips and a gallon of root beer at A&W. Trip was 50 miles and right after haying, before school started. Our beach trip meant church in the morning, near the beach. Dad always got his stinky crab about 3pm and snacked all afternoon, the remains set in a bag inside of the bag of ice. Well there was no ice left by the time we got home. Mom told him it had to stay in the trunk....James
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