Western Oregon | I made boxes for each of my 4 planes. The lid comes off and the flat bottom with cleats that hold the plane in place is always on the bench and put back every time it is set down. The bottom is lined with soft material. Same for my chisels, up to 2". When I started woodworking I built a raised bottom inside an old wood sewing machine carrier for my router, thick enough for the router to set in a cut out with the bit in, drilled holes for all my bits, slots for the router tools, every thing in it's place. Beautiful square box with dove tails. Been 50 years and same Craftsman router. Might as well use it for something as wife's sewing machine was in a nice cabinet. She still has the original Singer machine. Was her great grandma's treadle machine, changed to electric power. She made all the kids clothes until high school and many of her own over the 51 years now. I still have some of the heavy flannel shirts she made that I wear as chore coats....James | |