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Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?
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Mrs B
Posted 3/18/2025 17:27 (#11152496 - in reply to #11152444)
Subject: RE: Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?

Highland Center, in Southeast Iowa

povertypoint - 3/18/2025 16:24

buenymayor - 3/18/2025 08:45 We had to wash Zip-Loc bags so they could be reused. .
You had zip lock bags ?
we saved every bread bag and twist tie..... some of those bags were still around when my Mother passed 4 years ago.
Old Home and Wonder bread bags in pristine condition :)   it was a time capsule :)

To the OP
Now my kids say I was the cheapest Dad......... a badge I wear with honor :

I'll risk a bet that she used to wash the used tin foil and air dry it so it could be used again, too. Am I right?

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