Chris - 3/18/2025 14:56
I foolishly thought that people were woodworkers and we were talking about setting a plane down on a wood bench. Seems as though woodworking is a hobby for everybody around this area and I jumped to a conclusion.
It would be foolish to set a plane, blade down on dirt, concrete or any surface harder than the blade or that was abrasive. Setting it down on the wood bench, no problem. I don't use my planes for rough work where you take off 1/8" or larger shavings. Rob Cosman, his Purple Heart program for American and Canadian veterans who've been wounded is free all expense classes. Stumpy Nubs (James Hamilton) long time expert woodworker, many video's about how to and safety. James Wright hand tools only woodworker. Matthias Wandel engineer, woodworker, many video's related to building things including raspberry pi stuff
Below is my dad's plane and my planes