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Credit card reward bonuses
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Posted 3/18/2025 13:50 (#11152297 - in reply to #11152201)
Subject: RE: Credit card reward bonuses


The 30k is the kicker for me. Don't normally spend that much but if the right expenses came through at the same time I could pull it off.
A few years back I did one that needed 10K spend in 3 months to get $1000 back.  I timed it to align with farm insurance renewal, then hit all the vehicle policies, prepaid the entire years health insurance premiums.  Even bit the bullet and paid 3% at coop on feed bill to hit the limit and get the bonus.

I am going to look at getting the Capital One in April as we run a lot thru the business card in the summer and have the cashflow to pay it off monthly then.

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