RR Valley, ND; MN native | One story heard about a old timer was after chores if there was nothing else to do around the farm in the winter, the hired hand was sent out in the shed to straighten bent used nails that had been bought for cheap on auctions. This must have rubbed off on his son as well. Stuff not running too well and the spark plugs had been re-gapped so many times the electrodes were about gone. After he (the son) passed in an accident, when they had his auction, the auctioneer had to buy something like a dozen new batteries to get all the equipment moved around and running for the sale day.
My own Dad was pretty cheap too in a lot of ways and in that we always seemed like we things the most labor and time intensive ways to avoid spending anything on better equipment or tools. I get that the money was tight but it seemed dumb at times.
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