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Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?
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Posted 3/18/2025 12:11 (#11152187 - in reply to #11151983)
Subject: RE: Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?

My Dad was as "thrifty" as they come, but this story involves one of our neighbors.

Many years ago, my Dad had a JD 6600 combine. He had it a long time, and applied repairs as he thought necessary. One spring, prepping for wheat harvest, he decided that the machine could use new cylinder bars. So we duly removed the header and the feeder house and got to work. We had removed the old bard and were installing new ones, when a neighbor stopped by to see what we were doing and make conversation. Neighbor had an identical combine. Before he left, the neighbor picked up all our "used" cylinder bars and took them home, claiming that ours were better than the ones currently on HIS machine. He went home, and put our rejects on his combine.

By the way, I seem to remember a court case from long ago involving a trucking company. When a driver delivered his load somewhere, he needed to know where to go to pickup his next load. The drivers were taught to call the central office Person To Person, and ask for "Charley". Of course, "Charley" was NEVER there, and the response would be "No, Charley's gone to Albuquerque", or the name of some other city where the driver's next load awaited. After while, the phone company caught on, and there was a prosecution or lawsuit. That tactic ended. lol showboat
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