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Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?
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Usetobe dental asst
Posted 3/18/2025 10:48 (#11152092 - in reply to #11152002)
Subject: RE: Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?

South Central MN
Our daughter-in-law (age 29) washes ziploc bags and re-uses now. She grew up with seven kids in her family. Our son and daughter-in-law are now expecting their fourth child, so being smart about spending is an asset.
My own mom saved absolutely everything. She grew up during WW II. If a switchplate for a light fixture was changed, she saved the old one. Someone might need it for their barn one day. She is almost 92 and moved from her home to an apartment a year ago. Before the house was sold, we had a lot of cleaning out to do.
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