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Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?
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Posted 3/18/2025 09:33 (#11151983)
Subject: Any one else’s dad as cheap as mine?

I’m not sure why I think of random childhood memories sometimes but I’m wondering if anyone else had as warped a childhood as me?
One of the things I got to do as a kid was be on the wrestling team. This was the late 90s. Needless to say money didn’t grow on trees so I wasn’t given much to spend as a kid, anyway, I was instructed to call the phone line we had in the milk parlor from school when practice was over, evidently $.25 was too much for my dad to float me for the phone call so he told me to call the milk parlor phone collect from the school pay phone, He would reject the call but he would know I was ready to be picked up. It worked.
Anyone else have cheap parents!

Disclaimer: I actually had a great childhood and was well taken care of. Blessed with great parents. Even though at the time I thought I was a slave.
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