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What to put on a resume?
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Posted 3/18/2025 07:42 (#11151815 - in reply to #11151526)
Subject: RE: What to put on a resume?


Having read probably about 1,000 resume's, the one thing I'd remind everyone of is that the job of the resume' is to get you an interview.

To that end, I think that a resume', especially as we get older and gain quite a lot of varied experience, should be adapted to fit the job one is applying for. If I were applying for a job in the medical field today, I wouldn't go into any real detail about my career as a EE, or mention how many programming languages I've used, because that experience just doesn't matter. If I were applying for a job in the local DOT mechanics' shop, I would emphasize the experience I have working on equipment on the farm and fire department as another example. If an employer has more questions about those areas I didn't explain in great detail on the resume', I can explain them in the interview.

The other thing I'd say as a general rule is that a resume' should not run more than two pages. The only time I've seen a resume' run over two pages and be justified was when we had a guy applying who had 20-odd patents in our field to his name, and he listed most of his patents on a third page.

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