NW Illinois | Lived here for 50 years and been messed up all that time. The exit where you do that loop to stay on I80 is called the big X. Even more complicated is if you go west at the big X, that is technically I280 and I74 together for maybe 7-10 miles. Until you get into Moline and then you exit again to stay on I74. I74 then goes north through the Quad Cities and ends when it meets I80 north of Davenport.
Through my years at the Coop and now in my private spray business I have been on 90% of those farm fields you see from the Colona exit on I80 about 10 miles into Illinois to almost Woodhull exit on I74 heading south and just past Geneseo if your heading east on I80 from the big X. We covered virtually everything from the big X west into the Quad Cities including all the ground inside the QC International Airport.
Edited by SimpleJoe 3/18/2025 06:44
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