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What to put on a resume?
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Mike SE IL
Posted 3/18/2025 00:27 (#11151720 - in reply to #11151526)
Subject: RE: What to put on a resume?

West Union, Illinois

Resume writing has changed since the last time I wrote one over 30 years ago.   We're at the point in our lives education probably isn't a selling point.  You want to emphasize skills and experience.

Remember this:  You are trying to sell them on you.  I'm not sure you want to list 40 years of work history in detail.  But you want to sell what you can do for them.

I stumbled across this page.  They're probably wanting to sell you their services, but it gives several examples that might be helpful.  For example this one.  It says limited work experience, but the style seems eye catching.

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