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Posted 3/17/2025 21:59 (#11151642 - in reply to #11150768)
Subject: One of my more note-worthy introductions...

SE Iowa, Henry County
So funny story depending if time is a healer. I attended an American Chemical
Society monthly meeting to see if it was a group I'd like to join or atleast attend
once in awhile. We were asked to introduce ourselves around the table and say what
we did. My turn was at hand, gave my name, then said I was a farmer. Almost immediately
this cute little thing from Univ. of Iowa blurted, "what are you doing here?"

pin drop

Scrambling to not look like I was in shock, I went through the various jobs I did on the farm in raising a crop along with the use of herbicides, etc. I had everyone's attention, probably wondering if I would excuse myself and crawl in a hole in some obscure corner.

So it can be challenging, mostly because of the lack of connection to agriculture that our society
has become.
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