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What to put on a resume?
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Posted 3/17/2025 20:36 (#11151526)
Subject: What to put on a resume?

S.E. Iowa
I have worked at my job for 2 1/2 years. Three years ago, I retired from there. I worked there 32 years and retired to collect my pension. The pension was close to maxed out and I wanted to make more money. I drove a truck for a few months but didn't like the hours. My former fellow worker retired, I reapplied and got his job, which was the same as my old job. They really wanted me back to teach the new guys more which isn't needed because they already know everything. The old crew has all retired. We did some pretty cool things and received accolades from the former management who also retired. I still need a job and the insurance it provides. I am applying for another job, which I feel I would be qualified for. Obviously the resume will be huge, but I really don't know how to word things. My current job is terrible, no work ethic and some that beat it to fit and paint it to match. I just cringe at going to work now. Any advice?
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