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Buisiness credit Card
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Posted 3/17/2025 20:09 (#11151488 - in reply to #11151333)
Subject: RE: Buisiness credit Card

UP / Thumb of Michigan
proof - 3/17/2025 18:47

Why does the name one the card matter to you?

My kids use my cards to buy food on field trips and to gas up the car. I've used my wife's cards and no one asks to see my ID to prove I am her, nor care when I don't sign her name. When I use my card with someone that does not know me, they don't ask to see an ID, nor do they look at the card to compare the signature on the card with the purchase signature.

He said each card user may have a different limit on their card.

We have different names on a credit card account. Not as important as it once was for us, but I can see it being useful enough that we don't change it.
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