 NW MN | I understand the article you linked is essentially a summary of a conference which lacks many details that might have been presented but were skipped over in this summary report.
This paragraph
“Further analysis suggested that suspected “dark drones” were not using standard RF communication and were observed in coordinated swarm formations of four to five drones. However, despite deploying counter-UAS assets, authorities were unable to confirm the presence of rogue drones. Heat mapping of reported sightings revealed a significant overlap with inbound and outbound manned aircraft flight routes, supporting expert opinions that most of the sightings were misidentifications.“
seems to be a bit contradictory. There seemed to be have been “dark drones” that functioned in a swarm but if communicating with each other or a controller it wasn’t with standard rf. My uneducated interpretation takes that to mean it wasn’t standard consumer available technology but there was something.
This leaves a few options and open questions. Pre programmed flight pattern that requires no two way communication. Non-standard RF(no idea what that would be), some kinda visual communication (light patterns read by cameras??) or who knows what. But something this summary reports as “dark drones” was active just many more where normal aircraft misidentified.
Would’ve been nice if these task force officers from NJ state patrol or other would’ve communicated with sheriffs, police chiefs or congressman that did interview rounds.
Edited by PLO NW MN 3/17/2025 19:59
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