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Occupation description
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Posted 3/17/2025 17:52 (#11151338 - in reply to #11150768)
Subject: RE: Occupation description

Chatham Ontario.
I sat on a temporary committee about 30 years ago. Was made up of a pretty good cross section of people in the community. Of course the local government at the time hires a HR person to get us together to discuss the objective. During the informal phone interview to get to know some background info on each of us, this HR lady asked what I did for a living. I said I was just a farmer. She replied pretty quick" Oh no, your not just a farmer, you are very important in society!" I know what she was trying to say, but what I was implying was that only I farmed for a living and didn't need to work off farm to support my family. I guess maybe that thought had gone over her head. I didn't take much time to explain the whole income issue to her.
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