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A complaint maybe Chris can help me with
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Posted 3/17/2025 17:37 (#11151319)
Subject: A complaint maybe Chris can help me with

Seems like I remember Chris is in the vicinity of the Quad cities. When I travel thru that area……why do I have to exit I-80 ……just to stay on I-80 where it splits off of I-74?

Seems to me I-80 would be the dominant freeway. But nope, a full blown looping exit, down to 25 mph behind a semi. If I take 74 thru the city, just keep on rolling as that turns into being 80….without a turn at all. And yes…..same thing for 74. You would have to exit 74, to stay on 74.


This is a complaint worthy of Chris. ****

But maybe he can help.

I’ve worn out the complaint tolerance of my wife about this. ***
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