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Keck Gonnerman Beaner
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Posted 3/17/2025 12:27 (#11150987 - in reply to #11150605)
Subject: RE: Keck Gonnerman Beaner

Hoyt Clagwell:my grandfathers brother's father had a hoyt-clagwell on the family farm. according to my cousins nephews he had one of the largest sucotash farms in our area. he bought the H-C in 36-37 and was shipped from the factory unassemmbled it tookabout 14 men 4 months to put it together they were hampered by the fact that no one could read the manual which was written in sanskrit it was equipped with a maime snappero 1/2 bottom plow and mecholimripper picker it was used until the rust shortage of 38 when it was sold to the scrap drive. we believe it was recycled in c ration cans stumpy as every one called him said the hoyt clagwell was worth an arm and leg
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