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Occupation description
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Posted 3/17/2025 12:23 (#11150978 - in reply to #11150954)
Subject: RE: Occupation description

McLean county IL
Can be rather creative!
Example; years ago when I was in high school there was an upper class man I knew. His name was Brad.
Well Brad had a cool '68 Camaro then. But he needed gas money so one day, after school, he drove over to the nearest larger town ( Bloomington IL) to one of the local gas stations. Back then employees still pumped your gas). He met the owner there, asked to fill out an app for some part time hours.

Owner gave him the app. He fills it out on the spot and hands it to the potential boss/ owner. Owner reads through it. Under the category " previous work experience " Brad wrote " hydro ceramic engineer!" Owner, half grinning knowing this was a high school senior he was chatting with, asked Brad " hydro ceramic engineer? Brad what did you do? "

Brad replied back honestly, " I washed dishes at the Dixie truck stop!"

The guy hired Brad on the spot! lol
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