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Occupation description
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Big Ben
Posted 3/17/2025 11:19 (#11150864 - in reply to #11150768)
Subject: RE: Occupation description

Columbia Basin, Ephrata, WA
32 wcf - 3/17/2025 08:08

In group get togethers where you’d interact with various people with non ag related white collar jobs. How do you answer the question what do you do for a living? Appearance wise I must not look the part. I usually down play my answer.. Oh I’m just a farmer. Because I’d rather not get into the details of my operation. But im wondering what others answers would be?

Say something like, “I actively manage a $xx million portfolio of agricultural assets for myself and a select small group of private equity investors.”

Edited by Big Ben 3/17/2025 15:15
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