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2 unknown wells collapsed this spring on the farm...
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Posted 3/17/2025 10:38 (#11150804 - in reply to #11150404)
Subject: RE: 2 unknown wells collapsed this spring on the farm...

South Central MN
Some of those old wells had a bunch of junk tossed down them before they closed them up. Have one on this farm site that had a hole open up quite a few years ago and a neighbors dog fell in it (was before we were living here) luckily someone happened to hear it bark and got it out. Dirt got used to fill it but it settled some more, this time threw a bunch of field stones in it and been fine since. Rumor was they dumped lumber from a hog barn down it when closing it up.
Old well at a different place was full of scrap metal and other stuff, got closed over with crushed rock and dirt. I know where that one is and keep an eye out for any cracks but has been OK so far.
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