North of London | Interesting, just had a sink hole drop out when I traveled over it with tractor last week.
In the middle of turning circle in yard and I was hauling a trailer with helpers in it to gather sap.
didn't notice anything on tractor but felt the bump that the trailer hit and wondered why.
When we returned it was evident
So have a hole about a metre across and 30cm deep.
Had an old well open in that area 20-30 years ago so hope that is what it is...... again
If not then I will be fixing a small drain soon that crosses the yard in that area.
I have filled a number of wells around the building site as well as on other properties I bought.
Apparently it was hard to find a good water source until they drilled the well we are still using 'shortly after the first world war' according to old neighbours when I was much younger.
Neighbour found one in the spring a few years ago on a farm he rented from me.
Was tilling ground in spring and messaged me he found a tile blowout so I went over and when I drove up to it I could see the brick work on one side of the 2 metre deep hole.
I had no idea there was a well there and had farmed over it for 45 years
I found one on the farm near the back while packing soybean ground.
Came by next round and looked like something on ground that I had passed over so walked over to find a hole about the size of a large dinner plate.
Dropped a stone in and heard the splash.
Came back and dropped a line in to find it was just over 30 ft deep with 10 of water.
They had rolled some big rocks over the top and had almost 12 inches of dirt cover.
I had filled the foundation of a small house not far from that well when I bought the farm and cleared fences etc so knew one of the first houses had been back there closer to the creek that had been original 'road' to other areas before road grids had all been cleared and built up to use.
Maybe I will find another one some day...... | |