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biostimulants in soybeans
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Posted 3/16/2025 13:28 (#11149470 - in reply to #11145432)
Subject: RE: biostimulants in soybeans

So Eddie how many acres across the USA has fixed all the other issues so they can move on to a biological? On a percentage basis it is probably less than 5% I bet yet biologicals are marketed to everyone yet salesman don’t stop trying to sell their stuff to everyone so that makes the companies peddling these things just as responsible for their bad name as the products themselves.

I know you are a total acre guy and I have several friends in that program too and none of them
Have any biological successes(I’m talking bugs in a jug type stuff not stimulants) and they have been working on their soil and issues for close to a decade.

What I find the strangest of all this is it’s always the super soil health regen guys trying to repeat the same lines over and over to everyone not like them how their way is the way to big profits ect. Guys I know with massively profitable businesses don’t go around trying to help create other businesses like them
So they have competition they quietly take over. The biological crowd is always screaming the loudest. It’s as if deep down they don’t believe all the hyperboles they speak and the amount of money they claim to make thru efficiencies isn’t showing up in the bank account. If it were they wouldn’t be so insecure about their position and trying to make everyone do what they do.

It’s just an observation I’ve made.

This is all coming from a former salesman of biologicals. I had the best products supposedly, the best zones and the best way to test soil and tissues and the results were poor at best and disastrous if you to took a pessimistic view toward it. When you then explain to said purveyors of great knowledge they are just simply dumbstruck and it’s on to the next person to buy into their “grand new ideas”.

I think everyone is always chopping the profits in ag up into smaller pieces. The lowest barrier to entry with the highest net returns is selling biologicals by far. I also think that is part of the reason so many want them to work so badly because it is their income and it’s easy to make a lot not doing much in general.
Most have a net profit to dealer of 30-50% so couple shuttles of this and that and bam you can pay for your fancy new ag swag that everyone is overly saturated on already….speaking of which I think those selling hats and embroidery probably have the best business around hence why you never hear them telling you to do what they do instead they just keep selling the swag to all the new startups who are going to change the world with their system of “fixing dead soil” and becoming more “efficient” or whatever the hell it is. Marketing budgets have a direct correlation to lack of real world results. We can’t show them it works always but we can convince them it does thru bombarding every media type with our products!!!

I digress and I simply say if all you boys truly got it figured out you wouldn’t be here bragging about it you would be home living it and letting results speak for themselves. You’d be able to hang out with the hat makers working 10-3 4 days a week making bank!
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