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Beers on ME
Posted 3/15/2025 08:03 (#11147573 - in reply to #11146492)
Subject: RE: Unbelievable

So Biden who had been stumbling around getting lost on airport runways that had secret service constantly telling him where to go (but with his mental state) still couldn't walk the right direction.

Now it comes out all of his executive orders he couldn't even sign his own name to (was a computerized signature)?????????????????

Then Kamala and all of her WORD SALADS????????? She is so incapable of answering questions the media literally changed her answers for her in interview??????

If you guys think Trump was the wrong choice then I have to say you guys are VERY VERY uninformed.

IF the Dems would not have lie lie lie about the condition of Biden for YEARS and then put in a more conservative Dem, they would have easily won.

The reason Kamala was promoted to run, is because they hid Bidens mental state while taking in campaign contributions. Those contributions could only go to Biden or Kamala. Then when they had to finally show Biden to the world in the debate, it was too late for anyone else to raise enough money.

The DEMS screwed themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They lied for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About so many things!!!!!! they should never ever be voted into any position until a deep cleanse happens and takes out all the corruption.

Now if these trade deficits are not taken care of, our country is losing trillions every year and giving it to other countries. How long can the US keep going when we keep sending all of our wealth across borders.

The fix??? either we have to deregulate our country so we can compete with 3rd world countries, or we have to put our foot down and tell other countries that they have to purchase SOMETHING from us if they expect to keep selling into our markets. We have to have some revenue source to keep money in our country. The DEMS are hard set to stop OIL/COAL!!! OH and Cows fart and can't cut down trees for lumber???? Now farming is causing so much pollution, and we are over fertilizing, so nitrates are entering fresh water. Can't drain a wetland!!!!! Have to save waterfowl!!!! OH but BIRD FLU BIRD FLU BIRD FLU All them wetlands causing very high populations of wild migratory birds spreading bird flu everywhere!!!!!!

The Dems think the US should be energy clean!!!! but have no problem with Mexico or China polluting the world and then we just buy their products and claim we are all about CLEAN Energy!!!!
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