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It’s propaganda until the prices rise
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Posted 3/11/2025 19:34 (#11142957 - in reply to #11141976)
Subject: RE: It’s propaganda until the prices rise

Exactly w1891. Just another way to try and explain it. Our international trade policy basically says "we'll do the $100 per hour jobs and China, India, Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Mexico, can do the $1 per hour jobs." You can't live on a $1 per hour job here in the USA. Our standard of living is too high. In other countries you can, because their nation has a lower standard of living. (I used $100 and $1 as examples to help explain, not actual numbers). That's why a lot of manufacturing and textiles simply are not going to come back unless we're talking a World War, apocalypse scenario god forbid. Same reason why a farmer would hire a H.S. kid to shovel manure and pick rocks, while he's doing the bigger jobs like planting, fertilizing, marketing, etc...
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