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It’s propaganda until the prices rise
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Posted 3/10/2025 21:41 (#11141760 - in reply to #11141698)
Subject: RE: It’s propaganda until the prices rise

Part of what makes America great is our standard of living compared to the rest of the world. I know it's hard to believe with all the problems of homelessness, hunger, healthcare, etc...but it's true. Our trade policy has reflected that. We basically decided it's better for China, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Thailand, Vietnam and others to manufacture and textile the cheap crap we buy to maintain our high standard here. Yes, I agree that there is a valid national security argument to be made. BUT our economy is geared towards manufacturing a higher level of technical product. Boeing, Lockheed, General Electric, 3M as examples. Our manufacturers, pay higher wages, require more training, and are higher quality. Due to our standard of living, we simply can't compete with cheap foreign labor. Americans are not going to give up their "cushy" apartments and houses to live with 12 other people in a 1 bedroom shack. That's just one way to look at it.
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