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New tie stall barn
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Posted 3/10/2025 06:29 (#11140582 - in reply to #11140572)
Subject: RE: New tie stall barn

Mount Upton NY
Jay NE Ohio - 3/10/2025 06:15

12 feet. But I would strongly recommend a freestall barn and parlor. Most of the milk processors today need their producers to pass the FARM program requirements. It is way more difficult if you are in a tie stall barn.

We had a 63 cow tie stall barn with gutter cleaner when I was a kid. Keeping the waterers and gutter cleaner working in the winter were sometimes a full time job. Ventilation was terrible because you had to keep it warm enough to keep things from freezing. Milk inspector wanted the barn whitewashed every year, pipeline cleaned, cobwebs swept. Lots of manual labor. Hard on the knees and hips.

I understand the nostalgia, but please put in a freestall barn and parlor for yourself and your cows.

I agree. Putting in a tie-stall in 2025 would be insane
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