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John Burns
Posted 3/9/2025 11:22 (#11139679 - in reply to #11139470)
Subject: risk profile

Pittsburg, Kansas

I don't pretend in any way coffee is a health product. It is just a pleasure. Same with alcohol. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. No health benefits whatsoever (unless maybe you pour it on a cut that is infected). 

I also don't claim that riding a motorcycle is healthy. But I do it anyway because I like it and will accept the risk of potential negative consequences. Same with scuba diving and coffee. I just accept any negative consequences. Not to improve my health.

Or looking at it from another aspect, when we get out of bed in the morning, we accept risk that something bad might happen to us. Some of us more than others depending on what our job or hobby is that puts us at risk. So we all have to choose our individual risk profiles. I have chosen that coffee is an acceptable risk. Probably less risky than the motorcycle I am about to get on fifteen minutes from now to go for lunch via gravel roads to a small place 20 miles away. 50 degrees. Burrrrrr. Supposed to warm up Monday. None too soon for me.

What is funny is we were never coffee drinkers. Maybe a cup once in a while at a restaurant, but didn't even keep it around at home. Guess we gave up a lot of foods six years ago so now coffee is our "being bad" crutch.

Edited by John Burns 3/9/2025 11:37
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