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Concerns Regarding Landus Coop Leadership and Potential Misuse of Funds
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Posted 3/4/2025 16:23 (#11132867 - in reply to #11132843)
Subject: RE: Concerns Regarding Landus Coop Leadership and Potential Misuse of Funds

NC Iowa
TheWatchfulEye - 3/4/2025 16:11

Dan you are a respected agronomist who actually brings value to your growers and I commend you on that. But you can only bury your head in the sand for so long.

So you have no issue what so over on the expensive retreats, use of private jet, etc on the company dime? Did you even bother to watch the videos? Just because there isn't a name on the post, you just ignore?

You are right on so many things agronomically but we will have to agree to disagree and when the music stops, we will see who is right/wrong. There is always a need for good people in agriculture, and no matter what happens, I am sure you will land on your feet but I suggest you stop drinking the Carsten's Cool-Aid.

All I said is that I think people who post on this forum should list their name.
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