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Concerns Regarding Landus Coop Leadership and Potential Misuse of Funds
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Posted 3/4/2025 07:44 (#11131849 - in reply to #11131056)
Subject: RE: Concerns Regarding Landus Coop Leadership and Potential Misuse of Funds

Malta, Illinois
There is obviously trouble brewing in Landus Land as evidenced by a 10% cut in it's Iowa workforce in January. I don't know what the facts are but from most everything you read there are some things that just don't add up. Maybe the shareholders should get Elon to look into it? Even though this would seem to be a troubling situation for Landus shareholders who are owed an explanation, I find the publication of unsubstantiated allegations by an unnamed poster to be in extremely bad taste and possibly even defamatory. You sound like a current or former employee with an axe to grind.
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