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Couple more drawings, no fur babies this time
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Posted 2/22/2025 22:09 (#11118157 - in reply to #11118123)
Subject: RE: Couple more drawings, no fur babies this time

Ross County, Ohio
Nice work. I took 4 years of art class in high school. I was decent at pen and ink and pencil sketching, but photography was my best area. Our school had its own dark room/ photo lab. I loved taking pictures of everything and developing them myself. I had a chance to go to college for it and thought about it, but decided to jump dirt clods. Sometimes, I wish I would have taken them up on the offer. I thought maybe landed a gig with National Geographic. I'd rather photograph nature, because I don't find people very interesting. LOL Tell her to stick with it. Don't stop keep working and master it. I made the mistake of quiting and now, I can barely draw a straight line.
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