I bought this press listed on the classifieds here several years ago. It does a good job of pulling the wheels together and getting them pretty square. https://talk.newagtalk.com/classifieds/Classified.aspx?id=72857 Video of it in use provided by the seller. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRdETkSlae4 I used to do them manually by using drift punches and longer bolts and pulling them together a little at a time. You had to be careful to get them pulled together square. I did a couple of videos of before and after straightening them up. There can be significant run out if your not careful. https://imageevent.com/vprb/gaugewheelassembly You will have to download the video to your computer to play them in Windows Media Player. Something changed on Image Event as you used to be able to play them directly on there. |