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Where is the DOGE of our Checkoff dollars????
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kb ag
Posted 2/13/2025 10:51 (#11102251 - in reply to #11102127)
Subject: RE: Where is the DOGE of our Checkoff dollars????

nc ks
Working in the city - 2/13/2025 08:28

First of all you need to get some facts straight. The members of these associations getting high salaries on our dime. ---- The members of these associations are you the producer, you pay checkoff, you are a member. Employees are those who work for the organization.

Secondly, Have you ever reached out to talk to someone about what they are doing? Not your county farmer president, but actually talked to someone to talk about what they are doing at the state or national level?

you are a dote. We are paying big money to these people. We shouldn't have to 'reach out' to these thieves to find out what they are doing. We shouldn't have to fund advertisements during major sporting events that in essence just pat these thieves on the back. We should also have an easy way of voting the whole scheme down. $50 per load of soybeans is asinine.

Edited by kb ag 2/13/2025 10:59
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