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Cylinder size
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Posted 2/6/2025 14:14 (#11091925 - in reply to #11091785)
Subject: RE: Cylinder size

NE Indiana
I really like building things myself also but I'm not sure I see the benefits of building something like this. An emerson 220 jack with a sprayer extension is only around 1500 bucks. Or a pair of them for around 3 grand. IMO there is no need to get a pair for changing sprayer tires though. You only change 1 tire at a time anyways. The Emerson only has 10" of stoke but that's plenty for changing tires on our Hagie so I would think 20" would be way more than sufficient for your build. Emerson can be used for about anything you can get it under. Your sprayer jack will only be good for 1 application.
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