Middle of the middle west | Kylidge McNally - 2/4/2025 00:52
At what point does a person get over it and move on? I’ve been told a hundred times to think positive and to the future, but it’s just not that easy. Alot of cards I would of played differently in the last 4 years. The college I chose was one helluva regret. Wish I would of stayed at Saskatoon or tried a trade school…. Now I’m stuck paying on $30K of student debt when that would of been good money to go and farm with or go to school for a business related course.
You won't get over it till you move on. Thinking positive thoughts are as useful as unicorn farts. That's what drug addicts are chasing. The mistakes have already been made, learn from them. It's called experience, congratulations you have just aquired some. Be grateful it wasn't $50,000 or $100,000.
What do you want to accomplish? What do you need to accomplish it? How do you get what you need? Do that. If you can't do that, acquire the skills to do it. Need money, get a job. Need more, get a second job. Sitting around sulking saying "woe is me" accomplishes nothing. It actually accomplishes less than nothing because of the time you wasted feeling sorry for yourself.
The enemy of good is perfect. This is true insomuch as if you can't do it perfectly from the get go, you won't try. Striving for perfection is a laudable goal, but realizing that better is sometimes all you can do.
Quit whining, learn from you mistakes, figure out how to get where you want to go, and get to doing it. |