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Posted 2/4/2025 14:52 (#11089073 - in reply to #11088162)
Subject: RE: Regret

30k is not chump change but you hopefully learned to think and solve problems
Your tuition in the school of hard knocks will cost way more
Growing up with depression era survivors it was drilled into me things could always be worse and be thankful for what you do have as others may not have it
Tomorrow is not a guarantee but it it filled with UNLIMITED possibilities and opportunities for you to achieve your goals and dreams
Pick your life goals and start working towards them
Success is the small wins and achievements you amass over time. Sure there are some delays and unexpected challenges but keep pushing forward
Most of the joy I experienced is at the end of a project but I also realize the journey was the real reward
Best of luck. Your daily attitude determines your outlook. Glass is always just a little more than half full. Sometimes it looks like it isn’t when it looks like that tell yourself it is just an optical illusion
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