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ZAMA carbuertor Model C1U 35-H model 72 P
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bacon 52
Posted 2/4/2025 13:19 (#11088975)
Subject: ZAMA carbuertor Model C1U 35-H model 72 P

Any one Know where I can get a complete carbuertor for a Homelite Leaf blower or chain saw. I have been told they are no longer there to get. If that is the case the model H66 and H66A model look alike the one I have Model C1U 35H 72P . Anyone know are all carburetor alike in side. If so all I have to make sure is the mounting holes,,2 gas tubes , throtle linkage to conect to the engine. Sure would like to know, THANK YOU for your time and knowledge. North sentral kansas. Phone (785) 392-2465

Edited by bacon 52 2/8/2025 19:02
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